速報APP / 健康塑身 / White Noise - Sound Generator

White Noise - Sound Generator





版本需求:Android 8.0 以上版本




White Noise - Sound Generator(圖1)-速報App

We were tired of cheap sounding loops and strange sounds, so we made our own! We guarantee no strange sounds that pop up out of nowhere while you are trying to relax! :) Help us try it out and let us know what you think!

White Noise is the newest white noise app for Android. Be immersed in soundscapes which will make you feel like you’ve been transported to completely new environments that are relaxing and secluded. Most of our sounds are hand recorded and mixed so you are getting the highest fidelity sound available and true to life sounds from nature. We like to use this app while working for ultimate focus or even to fall asleep fast! You can even play your own music alongside these sounds.

White Noise plays sounds using a sound generator composed of multiple loops and inserts so as you continue to play your sounds then there will always be slight variations in the sound.

White Noise - Sound Generator(圖2)-速報App

Customize your own mixes so that you can get the best of multiple sounds combined. Create different feelings and environments, from a stormy car ride to a sunny day in the wilderness. You even get to name them!

Fall asleep in peace with a built in sleep timer to your favorite sounds. Or simply choose to let the sound run endlessly, our tracks are infinite so you’ll never run out of enveloping sounds.

Here is a list of our current sounds:

White Noise - Sound Generator(圖3)-速報App

- Rain

- Thunder Storm

- Airplane Cabin

White Noise - Sound Generator(圖4)-速報App

- Car Ride

- Flowing Waters

- Aurora Borealis (hmm... what does this sound like?)

White Noise - Sound Generator(圖5)-速報App

- White Noise

- Brown Noise

- Pink Noise

White Noise - Sound Generator(圖6)-速報App

This app works best with headphones or a speaker system. But some of the sounds sound great from your phone's built in speaker too!

We do currently serve Ads within the app. So you will need an internet connection as of now. But don't worry, in the player screen there will never be video ads so you don't need to worry about loud ads waking you up from your peacefulness!

We value your input greatly, we want this to be an app with features that our users actually like to use. Please do send us some of the ideas that you would like to see in the app to support@seanywang.com

White Noise - Sound Generator(圖7)-速報App